Goodwill Soccer - updates

our special thanks to:

The 2017 Greece Team for donating the funds to update this website: Laurent Baron, Pat Brignola, Jen Chin, Jean Crichton, Roseline Duberceau, Nicole Gaskins-Daniels, Ara Girard, Erin Ladwig, Dolores Medina, Maria Miranda, Paula Saenz, Yolanda Sang, Ginger Stewart, and Patricia Zenteno.

- The 2009 Peru Goodwill Team for donating this website – Marva Angel, Betty Anne Gallagher, Patsy Gibbs, Ara Girard, Dolores Medina, Maria Miranda, Juanita Murphy, Darlene Ocampo, Alicia Poole, Robyn Raymond, Paula Saenz, Julie Yao, and team captain Virginia Tola

- The 2008 Sweden Goodwill Team for donating our red and white team uniforms.

- The 1997 Venezuela Goodwill Team for donating our blue and white team uniforms.

- Broward Women's Sports Program Over-30 Recreational Soccer League

- Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau

- Centerplate, BB&T Center

- Soccer Max

- DivPixel Web design